strongScientific Name:/strong emDiceros sumatrensis/em
strongCommon Name: /strongSumatran rhino
strongCategory:/strong Rhino
strongPopulation: /strong 250 people
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Hunting for horn -used in normal medicine
strongScientific Name:/strong emEleutherodactylus thorectes/em
strongCommon Name: /strongMacaya Breast-Spot Frog
strongCategory:/strong Frog
strongPopulation: /strongUnknown
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Habitat drop due to colourless prolongation and slash-and-burn agriculture
Credit: a href=””Robin Moore/a
strongScientific Name:/strong emScaturiginichthys vermeilipinnis/em
strongCommon Name: /strongRed-Finned Blue Eye
strongCategory:/strong Freshwater Fish
strongPopulation: /strong2,000 – 4,000 Individuals
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Predation by introduced species
strongScientific Name:/strong emRafetus Swinhoei/em
strongCommon Name: /strongRed River Giant Softshell Turtle
strongCategory:/strong Turtle
strongPopulation: /strong4 famous people
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Hunting for expenditure and medium drop and plunge as a outcome of wetland drop and pollution
strongScientific Name:/strong emNeurergus kaiseri/em
strongCommon Name: /strongLuristan newt
strongCategory:/strong Newt
strongPopulation: /strong 1000 mature people
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Illegal collection for pet trade
strongScientific Name:/strong emPoecilotheria metallica/em
strongCommon Name: /strongPeacock Parachute Spider
strongCategory:/strong Spider
strongPopulation: /strongUnknown
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Habitat detriment and plunge as a outcome of deforestation, firewood collection and polite unrest
strongScientific Name:/strong emAtelopus balios/em
strongCommon Name: /strongRio Pescado Stubfoot Toad
strongCategory:/strong Toad
strongPopulation: /strongUnknown (declining)
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Chytridiomycosis and medium drop due to logging and rural expansion
strongScientific Name:/strong emJohora Singaporensis/em
strongCommon Name: /strongSingapore Freshwater Crab
strongCategory:/strong Crab
strongPopulation: /strongUnknown
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Habitat plunge – rebate in H2O peculiarity and quantity
strongScientific Name:/strong emAbies beshanzuensis/em
strongCommon Name: /strongBaishan Fir
strongCategory:/strong Conifer
strongPopulation: /strong5 mature individuals
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Agricultural enlargement and fire
strongScientific Name:/strong emActinote zikani /em
strongCommon Name: /strongNone
strongCategory:/strong Butterfly
strongPopulation: /strongUnknown, one race remaining
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Habitat plunge due to vigour from tellurian populations
strongScientific Name:/strong emAipysurus foliosquama/em
strongCommon Name: /strongLeaf Scaled Sea-Snake
strongCategory:/strong Sea snake
strongPopulation: /strong Unknown, dual subpopulations remain
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Unknown – expected plunge of coral embankment habitat
strongScientific Name:/strong emAmanipodagrion gilliesi/em
strongCommon Name: /strongAmani Flatwing
strongCategory:/strong Damselfly
strongPopulation: /strong 500 people est.
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Habitat plunge due to augmenting race vigour and H2O pollution
strongScientific Name:/strong emAntilophia bokermanni/em
strongCommon Name: /strongAraripe Manakin
strongCategory:/strong bird
strongPopulation: /strong779 people (est 2010)
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Habitat drop due to enlargement of cultivation and recreational comforts and H2O diversion
strongScientific Name:/strong Antisolabis seychellensis
strongCommon Name: /strong Seychelles Earwig
strongCategory:/strong Earwig
strongPopulation: /strongUnknown (declining)
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Invasive class and meridian change
strongScientific Name:/strong Aphanius transgrediens
strongCommon Name: /strongNone
strongCategory:/strong Freshwater fish
strongPopulation: /strongUnknown (declining)
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Competition and predation by Gambusia and highway construction
strongScientific Name:/strong Ardeotis nigriceps
strongCommon Name: /strong Great Indian Bustard
strongCategory:/strong Bird
strongPopulation: /strong 50 -249 mature individuals
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Habitat detriment and alteration due to rural development
strongScientific Name:/strong Aproteles bulmerae
strongCommon Name: /strongBulmer’s Fruit Bat
strongCategory:/strong Bat
strongPopulation: /strong150 people (est)
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Hunting and cavern disturbance
strongScientific Name:/strong Ardea insignis
strongCommon Name: /strongWhite Bellied Heron
strongCategory:/strong Bird
strongPopulation: /strong70-400 individuals
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Habitat drop and plunge due to hydropower growth
strongScientific Name:/strong emAstrochelus yniphora/em
strongCommon Name: /strong Ploughshare Tortoise / Angonoka
strongCategory:/strong Tortoise
strongPopulation: /strong440-770
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Illegal collection for general pet trade
strongScientific Name:/strong emAythya innotata/em
strongCommon Name: /strongMadagascar Pochard
strongCategory:/strong Bird
strongPopulation: /strong Approximately 20 mature individuals
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Habitat plunge due to slash-and-burn agriculture, hunting, and fishing / introduced fish
strongScientific Name:/strong emAzurina eupalama/em
strongCommon Name: /strong Galapagos lady fish
strongCategory:/strong Pelagic fish
strongPopulation: /strongUnknown (declining)
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Climate Change – oceanographic changes compared with a 1982 / 1983 El Nino are reputed to be obliged for a apparent disappearance of this class from a Galapagos
strongScientific Name:/strong emBahaba taipingensis/em
strongCommon Name: /strong Giant yellow croaker
strongCategory:/strong Pelagic fish
strongPopulation: /strong Unknown (declining)
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Over-fishing, essentially due to value of swim-bladder for normal medicine – cost per kilogram exceeded that of bullion in 2001
strongScientific Name:/strong emBatagur baska/em
strongCommon Name: /strong Common Batagur/ Four-toed terrapin
strongCategory:/strong Turtle
strongPopulation: /strong Unknown (declining)
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Illegal trade and trade from Indonesia to China
strongScientific Name:/strong Bazzania bhutanica
strongCommon Name: /strongNone
strongCategory:/strong Liverwort
strongPopulation: /strongUnknown (declining)
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Habitat plunge and drop due to timberland clearance, overgrazing and development
strongScientific Name:/strong emBeatragus hunteri/em
strongCommon Name: /strongHirola
strongCategory:/strong Antelope
strongPopulation: /strong 1000 individuals
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Habitat detriment and degradation, foe with livestock, poaching
strongScientific Name:/strong emBombus franklinii/em
strongCommon Name: /strongFranklin’s Bumble Bee
strongCategory:/strong Bee
strongPopulation: /strongUnknown (declining)
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Disease from commercially bred bumblebees and medium drop and degradation
strongScientific Name:/strong Brachyteles hypoxanthus
strongCommon Name: /strong Northern muriqui
strongCategory:/strong Primate
strongPopulation: /strong 1,000 individuals
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Habitat detriment and fragmentation due to large-scale deforestation and resourceful logging
strongScientific Name:/strong emBradypus pygmaeus/em
strongCommon Name: /strongPygmy sloth
strongCategory:/strong Sloth
strongPopulation: /strong 500 people
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Habitat detriment due to bootleg logging of mangrove forests for firewood and construction and sport of a sloths
strongScientific Name:/strong emCallitriche pulchra/em
strongCommon Name: /strongNone
strongCategory:/strong Freshwater plant
strongPopulation: /strong Unknown (declining)
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Exploitation of a species’ medium by stock, and alteration of a pool by internal people
strongScientific Name:/strong emCalumma tarzan/em
strongCommon Name: /strongTarzan’s Chameleon
strongCategory:/strong Chameleon
strongPopulation: /strongUnknown
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Habitat drop for agriculture
strongScientific Name:/strong emCavia intermedia/em
strongCommon Name: /strongSanta Catarina’s Guinea Pig
strongCategory:/strong Guinea Pig
strongPopulation: /strong 40-60 individuals
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Habitat reeling and probable hunting; tiny race effects
strongScientific Name:/strong emCercopithecus roloway/em
strongCommon Name: /strongRoloway Guenon
strongCategory:/strong Primate
strongPopulation: /strongUnknown
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Hunting for expenditure as bushmeat, and medium loss
strongScientific Name:/strong emColeura seychellensis/em
strongCommon Name: /strongSeychelles Sheath-Tailed Bat
strongCategory:/strong Bat
strongPopulation: /strong 100 mature people (est 2008)
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Habitat plunge and predation by invasive species
strongScientific Name:/strong emCryptomyces maximus/em
strongCommon Name: /strongNone
strongCategory:/strong Fungus
strongPopulation: /strongUnknown (declining)
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Limited accessibility of habitat
strongScientific Name:/strong emCryptotis nelsoni/em
strongCommon Name: /strongNelson’s Small-Eared Shrew
strongCategory:/strong Shrew
strongPopulation: /strongUnknown (declining)
strongThreats To Survival:/strong medium detriment due to logging cattle grazing, glow and agriculture
strongScientific Name:/strong emCyclura collei/em
strongCommon Name: /strongJamaican Iguana
strongCategory:/strong Iguana
strongPopulation: /strongUnknown (declining)
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Predation by introduced class and medium destruction
strongScientific Name:/strong emDendrophylax fawcettii/em
strongCommon Name: /strongCayman Islands Ghost Orchid
strongCategory:/strong Orchid
strongPopulation: /strongUnknown (declining)
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Habitat drop due to infrastructure development
strongScientific Name:/strong emDiomedea amsterdamensis/em
strongCommon Name: /strongAmsterdam Island Albatross
strongCategory:/strong Bird
strongPopulation: /strong100 mature individuals
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Disease and immaterial constraint in long-line fishing operations
strongScientific Name:/strong emDiospyros katendei/em
strongCommon Name: /strong None
strongCategory:/strong Tree
strongPopulation: /strong20 individuals, one population
strongThreats To Survival:/strong High vigour from communities for rural activity, bootleg tree felling, medium plunge due to alluvial bullion digging and tiny population
strongScientific Name:/strong emDipterocarpus lamellatus/em
strongCommon Name: /strongNone
strongCategory:/strong Dipterocarp (tree)
strongPopulation: /strong12 individuals
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Habitat detriment and plunge due to logging of lowland timberland and origination of industrial plantations
strongScientific Name:/strong emDiscoglossus nigriventer/em
strongCommon Name: /strong Hula embellished frog
strongCategory:/strong Frog
strongPopulation: /strongUnknown (recent rediscovery in 2011)
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Predation by birds and operation limitation due to medium destruction
strongScientific Name:/strong emDiscorea strydomiana/em
strongCommon Name: /strongWild Yam
strongCategory:/strong Yam
strongPopulation: /strong200 Individuals
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Collection for medicinal use
strongScientific Name:/strong emDombeya mauritiana/em
strongCommon Name: /strongNone
strongCategory:/strong Flowering plant
strongPopulation: /strongUnknown (declining)
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Habitat plunge and drop due to intrusion by visitor invasive plant class and cannabis cultivation
strongScientific Name:/strong emEleocarpus bojeri/em
strongCommon Name: /strongNone
strongCategory:/strong Flowering plant
strongPopulation: /strong 10 individuals
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Small race and degraded habitat
strongScientific Name:/strong emEleutherodactylus glandulifer/em
strongCommon Name: /strongLa Hotte Glanded Frog
strongCategory:/strong Frog
strongPopulation: /strongUnknown (declining)
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Habitat drop due to colourless prolongation and slash-and-burn agriculture
strongScientific Name:/strong emEriosyce chilensis/em
strongCommon Name: /strongChilenito
strongCategory:/strong Cactus
strongPopulation: /strong 500 individuals
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Collection of flowering individuals
strongScientific Name:/strong emErythrina schliebenii/em
strongCommon Name: /strongCoral Tree
strongCategory:/strong Flowering tree
strongPopulation: /strong 50 individuals
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Limited medium and tiny race distance augmenting disadvantage to stochastic events
strongScientific Name:/strong emEuphorbia tanaensis/em
strongCommon Name: /strongNone
strongCategory:/strong Semi-deciduous tree
strongPopulation: /strong4 mature individuals
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Illegal logging and medium plunge due to rural enlargement and infrastructure development
strongScientific Name:/strong emEurynorhynchus pygmeus/em
strongCommon Name: /strongSpoon-Billed Sandpiper
strongCategory:/strong Bird
strongPopulation: /strong 100 tact pairs
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Trapping on wintering drift and land reclamation.
strongScientific Name:/strong emFicus katendei/em
strongCommon Name: /strongNone
strongCategory:/strong Tree (ficus)
strongPopulation: /strong 50 mature individuals
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Agricultural activity, bootleg tree felling and medium plunge due to alluvial bullion digging
strongScientific Name:/strong emGeronticus eremita/em
strongCommon Name: /strongNorthern Bald Ibis
strongCategory:/strong Bird
strongPopulation: /strong200-249 mature individuals
strongThreats To Survival:/strong Habitat plunge and destruction, and hunting
from Around The World
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