Nicole Holofcener wrote and destined one of a year’s most-loved sleeper hits: “Enough Said,” a romantic-comedy starring Julia Louis-Dreyfus and James Gandolfini as divorcees who hint an astonishing connection. Holofcener’s naturalistic essay impression and grounded impression dramedies have bewitched audiences on a large shade for a softened partial of dual decades, initial with “Walking and Talking,” and after with cinema like “Friends with Money” and “Please Give.” She’s also destined episodes of some of a decade’s best radio series: “Sex and a City,” “Gilmore Girls,” “Six Feet Under,” “Parks and Recreation” and “Enlightened,” among others.

Last year, however, she was a theme of many acclaim. Reviewing “Enough Said,” Slate’s Dana Stevens praised Holofcener’s “admirable delicacy” and “razor-sharp dialogue.” Stephanie Zacharek of a Village Voice applauded her “knack for examination not only a approach people respond to impassioned situations, yet what they do in bland ones.” Along a way, a writer/director collected Best Screenplay nods during a Satellite Awards and a Independent Spirit Awards. If things go a way, she’ll acquire an Oscar assignment for a film come Jan. 16. In a meantime, though, we snagged a few mins with Holofcener on a phone, where she was vehement about being snubbed for a Golden Globe, a radio uncover she’d many adore to approach and what it was like to work with Louis-Dreyfus and Gandolfini.

Did we have Julia Louis-Dreyfus and James Gandolfini in mind while essay a script? Was anyone else deliberate for these roles?

I did not have them in mind. we did have a integrate of other actors in mind that we won’t discuss during a impulse given it would be kind of uncouth. we had a ubiquitous suspicion of who we would like and who would be great, yet we never know who’ll be meddlesome or available. But it does help, as a writer, to put faces on characters. It helps me to write.

As an actress, Julia Louis-Dreyfus is a master of improv. Was there an improv member to a project?

We stranded to a script. It’s funny, we wouldn’t contend so many improv as ad-libbing. we don’t know if there’s a large difference, yet it’s not like they would improvise and take a stage somewhere different. It’s some-more like they combined a line or two, or altered a line and done it funnier, or combined a line during a finish of a stage where they suspicion maybe we cut. It was some-more like that, and it was unequivocally useful. we kept so many of their ad-libs; they’re waggish and intelligent and so suitable for their characters. It was great.

Can we offer an instance of a stage that was softened by ad-libbing?

Yeah, Julia gets out of a car, she says, “I like your paddles.” He says, “I like your ass.” And that was Jim. That’s not in a script, and he pronounced that in rehearsal, and we said, “Oh, you’ve got to contend that when we shoot.” And he’s like, “No, Albert would never contend that.” And there comes a indicate where it’s like, yeah, Albert competence not have pronounced it, yet it creates Albert so many sexier and some-more humorous that we wish him to contend that. we wish him to be means to do that. It’s wonderful, right? we mean, what a good approach to finish a stage — it adds so much.

Right, an combined punch.

And it creates him seem sexier given he has a courage to contend that.

I know we expel Catherine Keener in fundamentally each film we direct. Do we consider of her as a muse? What’s your inclination toward her?

My inclination toward her is formed on her talent and a comfort level. we consider she’s an unusual actor. She has been my muse. we didn’t write [Keener's "Enough Said" character] Marianne with her in my mind, during slightest not consciously — yet we have created tools only for her, and so in that honour she’s a outrageous inspiration. She’s fun, she’s smart, she creates my scripts better. Let’s go with that, right?

Did we get to speak to Julia after a proclamation of her Golden Globe nomination?

No. Well, we texted her given we never know where a ruin she is. we texted her, and afterwards she texted me back. we texted her congratulations, and she texted me, “I wish you’re all right,” given we didn’t get a nomination.

And are we all right?

Well, we was unequivocally disappointed, actually. Of course, anybody who says they’re not is lying. As many as we was unhappy for a film and for myself, yet we was also unhappy given we unequivocally wanted to go and be with her and have fun doing that together. So we don’t consider that’s going to happen.

So we don’t see yourself removing invited as being compared with her nomination?

I don’t consider so. And we don’t consider I’d feel gentle going given we wasn’t nominated or a film wasn’t. I’m unequivocally happy she was. I’d be sad if she wasn’t; she deserves each confirmation she gets.

You’ve destined some of a biggest TV shows of a past decade. What one uncover would we adore to approach right now?

Oh gee, what’s on a atmosphere now? I’ve stopped examination anything recently. we review about that uncover “Getting On,” we consider it’s called.

Yeah, with Laurie Metcalf?

Exactly. we wanted a pursuit on that so badly, and we only found out it’s not picked up, we think. Maybe we should figure that out.

It’s on a atmosphere now. You should watch it, it’s great.

Yeah, I’m formulation on examination a whole thing. It’s so adult my alley that when we review about it, we was like, “I wish to do one of those!”

It totally seems like your directing style. Would we wish to do “Veep”?

Absolutely, we do. we kind of feel like that’s a appurtenance that’s going so well. we don’t know who leads all a opposite ones, yet it’s not as many in my style, obviously. we don’t know, it would be a blast, it unequivocally would. But we don’t know, it’s in Washington, and they’ve kind of got their directors set, so it’s not something I’m anticipating to — we don’t know how to put it.

Do we have a classical partial of TV or a TV uncover as a whole that we demeanour behind and wish we had been a partial of?

Well, yeah, we wish we had destined “The Sopranos.” Watching that, we was like, “Ugh, wish we could have gotten in there, that would have been a blast.” That didn’t happen. we grew adult examination “I Love Lucy” obsessively, yet I’d be passed by now if we had destined one of those.

You have a “special thanks” credit on “Where a Wild Things Are.” Did your impasse with that film lead we to accommodate James Gandolfini?

Oh no, we indeed only wrote and destined “Where a Wild Things Are” and so they felt that had to put my name there. [Laughs] No, we did not accommodate Jim by [director Spike Jonze], yet we watched several cuts of that film and gave feedback and helped him try to repair some dialogue. That was a “thank you.” we met Jim in a unequivocally normal way: we indeed sent him a book of cave a few years ago and wanted to accommodate him about being in it, yet he wasn’t utterly right for that sold part, so we kept in a behind of my mind given we desired assembly him so much.

Can we tell me what sold partial that was?

It was a partial that Oliver Platt eventually had in “Please Give.” He was Catherine Keener’s husband, and Jim would have been great, yet he had only come off of “The Sopranos” some-more recently and his impression kept screwing around. He had so many mistresses, and in “Please Give,” a impression cheats and we didn’t wish that connotation. Although we suspicion he would have been good in a partial as well, yet I’m so blissful we got a bigger partial for him and a possibility to work with him longer than that.

Your subsequent movie, “Every Secret Thing,” seems different. What captivated we to a crime story, and how do we confirm once you’ve created a book either you’ll approach it as well?

Well, this one was unequivocally easy. we was hired by Frances McDormand, who was producing it, to adjust a book, and we suspicion a book was unequivocally engaging and psychological. And a categorical dual characters were 11-year-old girls, and we adore that kind of dim psychological stuff, and we enjoyed essay it. And when it came time to approach it, we satisfied we couldn’t go with something that dim that prolonged in my life.

So that was a preference we made?

Yeah, and it concerned a genocide of a baby, and we only couldn’t go there.

So we could write it, yet we didn’t wish to have to put yourself in a stage of carrying to approach it for maybe months on end?

Yeah, and afterwards revise it for months, exactly. we couldn’t face that. we consider we done a right choice.

“Enough Said” is in theaters now. It will be expelled on DVD and Blu-Ray on Jan. 14.

Also on HuffPost:

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  • “Walking and Talking” (1996)

  • “Sex and a City”

    Clip from “Three’s a Crowd” (1998)

  • Lovely Amazing” (2001)

  • “Gilmore Girls”

    Clip from “Secrets and Loans” (2002)

  • “Six Feet Under”

    Clip from “Bomb Shelter” (2004)

  • “Friends With Money” (2006)

  • “Please Give” (2010)

  • “Enlightened”

    Clip from “Not Good Enough Mothers” (2011)

  • “Parks and Recreation”

    Clip from “Jerry’s Retirement” (2013)

  • “Enough Said” (2013)

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